
Our pragmatic workshops will equip you with the tools, techniques and thinking to deal with a crisis, all tailored specifically to your business.  

The half-day session comprises of scene setting presentations but with a strong focus on facilitated team exercises. This active learning helps build pre crisis preparedness, in crisis response capability and post crisis building:

Elements covered in the workshop include

Identification of crises your business could face.


Crisis team structures

Team roles and responsibilities

Escalation procedures


Asset centralisation

Data recording and intelligence



Scenario development

Resource identification

Post crisis rebuilding and SEO

These workshops operate by dividing your team members into different groups which are managed to produce facilitated insights and company specific approaches.

Following the workshops we will deliver a comprehensive Crisis Management Plan documenting your agreed methodologies and approachs to dealing with a crisis.

Our workshops are delivered by seasoned experts

© Eoin Kennedy 2014 eoin at crisis dot ie